First national database of burial sites in England Wales to created

The Beautiful Burial Ground Project, the first national database of burial sites in England and Wales will be created after winning a £586,700 grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund. The grant was given to the charity Caring for God’s Acre, for a four-year project to “Create a bespoke database with interactive map where individual burial sites can be mapped, linking biological records to a particular site, easily accessed by all and linked to other national heritage databases”.

Largest ever family tree created with 13 million people

The largest ever family tree with over 13 million people has been created by researchers according to Science magazine March 2018.  They have looked into the genealogical history of UK, Europe and North America. The enormous record is slightly less than the population of the Commonwealth country of Zambia and illustrates 500 years migration across the Atlantic.

England and Wales Electoral register of over 6.7 million records indexed

Over 6.7 million records from the England and Wales 1920 Electoral Register have been indexed by subscription website Findmypast. This has been undertaken in partnership with the British Library. This work complements the 1939 Register which consists of over 1,200,000 pages listing the names, addresses, marital statuses, occupations and more of over 41,000,000 people.